TN government releases Data Centre Policy

Tamil Nadu aims to become the numero uno destination for data centres by catering to all the specific requirements and providing an attractive business environment to companies interested in setting up such centres, the Data Centre policy released by the State government said.

Stalin participated in the 20th edition of CII Connect 2021, an International Conference and Exhibition on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). In the meeting, Stalin spoke about the IT development in TN. “High speed internet with 1 TB speed is provided for 12,525 village panchayats in Tamil Nadu under BharatNet scheme. The internet service will result in delivery of quality digital services, education, development of telemedicine, availability of government services and the services of educational institutions. These will lead to the development of rural areas which inturn will make TN the hub of IT,” the CM said.

The Data Centre policy aims to promote Tamil Nadu as an ideal investment destination and the government would adhere to providing power, land and connectivity infrastructure for data centres, fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to Data Centre developers to boost investment, it said.