“Thiru Manickam” Movie Review
“Thiru Manickam”, the story revolves around Manickam, a humble lottery shop owner in a serene Kerala town, who unexpectedly finds himself at a moral crossroads. When an elderly customer inadvertently leaves behind a winning lottery ticket worth ₹1.5 crore, Manickam is thrust into a situation that tests his integrity. Despite struggling with financial burdens and mounting familial pressures, he makes the noble decision to return the prize money to its rightful owner.
However, his honorable intentions ignite turmoil within his family, who are enticed by the allure of newfound wealth. The family’s greed triggers a cascade of chaotic events, leading to betrayals, emotional confrontations, and a relentless police investigation that adds further tension. As Manickam strives to hold on to his principles, he faces not only external challenges but also the painful realization that his loved ones might turn against him.
The film thrives on its central conflict, delving into themes of honesty, familial bonds, and the insidious nature of greed. While the plot occasionally veers into melodrama and predictability, its emotional core remains intact, thanks largely to Samuthirakani’s heartfelt performance. His portrayal of Manickam, a man weighed down by his conscience and the expectations of those around him, is deeply moving. He captures the essence of an ordinary man torn between doing what is right and succumbing to the pressures of his circumstances.
Director weaves a narrative that resonates with audiences by presenting relatable moral dilemmas and compelling interpersonal dynamics. The scenic backdrop of Kerala adds to the film’s charm, providing a soothing contrast to the intense drama.
Thiru Manickam ultimately serves as a thought-provoking tale about the triumph of integrity over greed and the enduring strength of human values. It leaves viewers with a poignant message: true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the choices we make and the principles we uphold.
Cast: Samuthirakani, Bharathi Raja, Ananya, Thambi Ramaiah, Ilavrasu, Nasar, Chinni Jeyanth,Sriman, Vadivukarasi, Gracy, Karunakaran, Sulil Kumar, Chandru, Chaams and Others.
Director: Nanda Periyasamy