The Mosquito Philosophy to stream worldwide from March 12th 2021

The Mosquito Philosophy streams worldwide on Cinemapreneur from March 12th.  Cinemapreneur is  a pay-per-view OTT platform that curates the best of Indian independent cinema.

The Mosquito Philosophy’ is the first mumble core film made in Tamil, it borrows heavily from the dogme95 movement. Shot in 6 hours without any written scripts or dialogues, ‘The Mosquito Philosophy’ does not have retakes either. Cinematographer Jathin Shaker Raj, also the co-producer, shot the entire movie impromptu with available lights. Besides the lead actor Suresh and the director, no one among the cast and crew knew about the story. ‘The Mosquito Philosophy’ screened at the 18th Chennai International film festival in Tamil cinema competition category along with the likes of Surya’s Soorarai Pottru & Vijasethupathy’s Ka Pe Ranasingahm.

In a narrative that is deceptively simple, the Mosquito Philosophy asks many questions. 

What happens when a 40-year-old announces he is marrying a 25-year-old to please his mother? How does society react? Can ‘friendly banter’ change the course of a relationship? What are the problems inherent in a cross-generational match, and can they be overcome? Why is the bride often the last to come into the picture when a wedding is finalized and planned?

The Mosquito Philosophy is about Suresh, a mid-career professional who travels from Bengaluru to Chennai to invite his friends to his ‘surprise’ wedding. What ensues is a longish chat over drinks, when a society’s attitudes towards beauty and ‘good looks,’ youth and ageing, and intimacy and love are slowly and subtly unraveled. What is perceived as right and wrong is colored by the lens of his friends’ experiences. For one of them, marriage is the ‘mutual sucking of blood.’ A feminist undertone poses questions the women might want to ask. 

The Mosquito Philosophy is thus a study not just of ageist prejudice but also of personal motives and actions. The pursuit of ‘truth’ turns out as ironic and subjective as the characters’ quest for love and fulfillment.

The Mosquito Philosophy’ is Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan’s second film after the critically acclaimed film ‘LENS’ . Jayaprakash had received the Gollapudi Srinivas National award for the ‘Best debut director’ for ‘LENS’. LENS is streaming worldwide on Netflix.

Jathin sanker raj is the producer and director of the quirky Tamil comedy ‘Odu Raja Odu’ which streams on Netflix.  Dani Charles is the editor and Ayyo Rama from Sandalwood has handled the background score.

Click here to watch the film