Team led by Health Minister leaves for tour of Japan

 Impressed by the cancer treatment and management protocols followed in Japan, which leads the world in early detection and treatment, Health Minister Ma Subramanian and department secretary P Senthil Kumar will travel to the Asian country on a five-day official visit to understand the system first-hand.

The State is planning to implement the same protocols here through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), said the minister.

Noting that the State reports about 70,000-80,000 cases every year, he said cancer can be completely cured if diagnosed and treated at the early stage itself. The purpose of the delegation’s visit to Japan is to understand the medical framework for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, Subramanian added. Later, doctors would be trained to implement the same treatment protocol in Tamil Nadu.

Talking about the National Health Mission allocation, he said the department has requested the Union Health Ministry to clear the pending allocation and funds were in the pipeline. Regarding AIIMS Madurai, he said the Union government was being notified about the developments and fund allocation has been requested accordingly.

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