Target for kuruvai coverage 5 lakh acres this season

Agriculture Minister MRK Panneerselvam, who convened an interaction meeting with the farmers in Thanjavur on Thursday, said that over 5 lakh acres of kuruvai cultivation has been planned this season.

Farmers, representatives from various farmers associations, agri officials and the elected members from seven districts from the Delta region took part in the meeting called ahead of kuruvai cultivation in the Delta.

Speaking to reporters, Agriculture Minister Panneerselvam said, the kuruvai cultivation was undertaken in an area of 3.26 lakh acres in 2018 and it was 2.91 lakh acres in 2019.

While, the acreage was increased in 2020 with 4.70 lakh acres and in 2021 it was 4.91 lakh acres, while during 2022, the kuruvai was cultivated in an area of 5.36 lakh acres, he said.

Pointing out that the cultivation acreage has increased in the past two years, the Minister said that it has been planned to cultivate kuruvai in more than 5 lakh acres this season.

“Already, 4,045 tonnes of paddy seeds have been distributed and there is a stock of 4,046 tonnes available. Similarly, a quantity of 7,289 tonnes of the fertilisers like urea and DAP have been stocked and proper desilt works are also underway and this would certainly help to realize the target,” said the Minister.

He said that an adequate quantity of water is available in the Mettur reservoir and steps are being undertaken to get the due May and June monthly share of water from Karnataka.

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