Tamilnadu government issues SOPs ahead of reopening schools

With schools for classes 9-12 expected to reopen soon and a decision likely in a few days, the State government has issued new SOPs that need to be followed when physical classes begin.

Along with the SOPS, the Directorate of Health and Preventive Medicine also released Information-Education-Communication (IEC) materials which include availability of hand sanitisers and soap with water in all institutions.

Screening of school children and teachers will be done in a week’s time and if needed other PHC teams may be mobilised. Besides, a medical team will be available at the block level and their contact details will be shared with schools. Symptomatic students and teachers besides other staff won’t be allowed inside the campus, moreover all PHCs should be alerted to handle any suspected symptomatic children and sufficient quantity of vitamin C, multi-vitamin tablets and other immune boosters will have to be given to the children. Full vaccination of teachers and other staff should be ensured and all students within the eligible group should be inoculated. Only 50% of students will be allowed at a time in the classrooms.

Entry and exit of students have to be staggered besides earmarking different lanes for coming and leaving. In addition, functions and celebrations of festivals have to be avoided. School assembly may be conducted by students in their respective classrooms or outdoor spaces, the communique read.

Stating that health inspectors, block health supervisors, non-medical supervisors would be assigned to each school, including private institutions to monitor the follow-up of SOPs, the guidelines further added that cleaning the campuses and sufficient handwashing facility will be the responsibility of the local body and the management of the institution.

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