Oththa Seruppu Size 7 Movie Review {3.25/5}

Rating: 3.25 out of 5

Oththa Seruppu Size 7: Measured steps


A string of murders happen and all of them have some similarities. Police pick up Masilamani (R Parthiepan) for questioning and they believe that he can easily be manipulated.

As they grill him and ask him to own up the crime, he starts behaving in a bizarre manner. Also, he narrates his story to the officials.

Masilamani is a dedicated family man whose world revolved around his beautiful wife Usha and a son Mahesh who suffers from an ailment. All hells breaks loose due to a particular incident.

How Masilamani goes on a revenge seeking spree and is he the real one who is behind the murders forms the crux of Oththa Seruppu Size 7.


Oththa Seruppu is a rare attempt in Indian cinema. For, the film is written, directed, acted and produced by only one man- R Parthiepan.

With his script, making style, performance and narration, Parthiepan makes us believe that other characters too exist. But in reality, he is the only one who is doing the whole show.

Parthiepan should be lauded for making this unique attempt, that too in a gripping manner. Equally laudable are cinematographer Ramji and music composer Santhosh Narayanan.

However, a few scenes look sloppy and we can’t avoid the feeling that Parthiepan could have focussed more on the narration in some scenes. But, considering that this is a rare attempt and it ends up as an engaging movie, we can forget other flaws.