Sri Raghavendra Swami Mutt Mantralayam
On the occasion of Adhika Shravana Masa, Samoohika Ashtottara parayana was conducted in Sri Mutt – Mantralayam in the divine guidence and presence of H.H. Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji.
A free collective i.e shared accommodation was provided for the participents. On this aspicious day H.H. Sri Swamiji performed Maha Abhisheka to Sri Raghavendra Swamigalavara Moolabrundavana. Thousends of devotees and disciples of Sri Mutt participated in this divine event and got blessed by H.H. Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji.
On this occasion H.H. Sri Swamiji inaugurated “Invitation” of 352nd Aradhana Mahotsava of Sri Raghavendra Swamigalavru.
Here are some photos and visuals of this grand event.