Sri Raghavender Mutt, Mantralayam
Sri Moolaram Vijayate
Sri Gururajo Vijayate
*“Akhanda Vijaya Mahotsava”*
In its landmark and significant judgment on 03.07.2024, the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka has held that *“There shell be no any restriction for Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt in regard to Navabrundavana” matter at Navabrundavana gadde.*
All disciples and devotees of the Sri Mutt have been delighted and felt immensely happy with this historical pronouncement of the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka.
We are extremely happy to put on record that this is one more diamond ornamented in the golden keerthi crown of our Paramapoojya 108 Sri Sri Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji. In commemoration of this grand victory, today “Vijayotsava” has been celebrated on a grand scale at “Navabrundavana Gadde”.
A Huge congregation of devotees and disciples were participated in the holy event. Under the headship of Paramapoojya Sri Swamiji, vishesha panchamrutabhisheka and other traditional rituals have been performed to the moola brindavanams of Sri Padmanabha Teertharu and other celebrated pontiffs at Navabrundavana gadde.
Special discourses by pandits were held. Apart, H.H. Sri Swamiji performed Samsthana pooja at Navabrundavana gadde. A grand procession was also held from Nanjanagudu Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt – Anegundi to Navabrundavana Gadde. Sri Swamiji has blessed the gathering with anugraha sandesha and phalamantrakshate.
*M A N A G E R*