Ripupbury movie review


Mahendran and his friend are deputed to capture a ghost which has been on a killing spree murdering the men who perform inter-caste marriage.

Soon, Mahendran finds out that the ghost is the brother of his lover and that he is the next target.

What does Mahendran and his friend do after that. Why is the ghost killing those men forms the rest of the story.


Director Arun Karthik has tried to deliver a ghost story with a few social messages including the caste issue.

The director could have concentrated more on the writing and execution part.

Mahendran is impressive as the person who is on the hunt for the ghost.

Be it in the first half where along with his friend he is hunting for the ghost or the second half where he tries to escape from it. He shines in the given character.

The female leads Arati and Kavya  have delivered what was expected from them. Rest of the cast have all done their part well.

Diwacara Thiyagarajan’ background score in impressive.

Rest of the technical aspects of the film are solid.

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