Review: Blood Money


Kaliyappan (Kishore) and his brother Anjaiyya are about to be hanged in Kuwait.

Kaliyappan’s family members release a video seeking help to save them.

Priya Bhavani Shankar who takes over as a sub-editor in a news channel comes across this video.

She decides to find the truth and save the people.

Was she successful in her venture or not forms the rest of the story.


Director Sarjun KM chose to explore emotions in a different way and has succeeded in it as well.

The film has all the necessary elements and ingredients to make an emotional and mystery thriller.

This film is written by Sankar Doss who has delivered a promising content with a good story line.

Priya Bhavani Shankar is convincing as Rachel. Her experience as a journalist certainly adds up here and she knows what she is doing.

Kishore as Kaliyappan, one of the prisoners stands out. Rest of the crew have also done their part well.

Music by Satish Ragunathan is effective and complements the narrative well.

Cinematographer G Balamurugan has done a commendable job.

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