Rendagam movie review


Kunchacko Boban is a jobless youth who is making plans to fly out of the country with his girlfriend Eesha Rebba.

To fund this plan, he takes up a mission from a mysterious group to befriend Arvind Swami, a dreaded underworld don who has lost his memory completely after a shootout.

Kunchacko is required to help him regain his memory, which could aid the group in finding the location of some missing gold.

Was Kunchacko succesful in his mission, did he travel abroad forms the rest of the story.


Director Fellini T P has ensured that there is enough twists in the plots to keep the audience engaged. However, most of the sequences are either lengthy or cut short abruptly.

The writing too could have been better as a few characters lack intent.

Arvind Swami stays true to the character and delivers a natural performance. Kunchacko Boban has understood his character well.

The chemistry between Arvind Swami and Kunchacko is one of the major strengths of the movie. Eesha Rebba delivers a decent perforamcne.

Music by Arulraj Kennedy, AH Kaashif and Kailas Menon is passable.

Cinematographer Gautham Sankar captures the Mumbai-Mangaluru journey in an effective and stylish manner.

Rating: 3.2/5

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