Police complaint filed against Mamata Banerjee for insulting ‘national anthem’

A leader of Mumbai BJP has filed a police complaint against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for “showing utter disrespect to national anthem” by allegedly singing it while in a sitting position and then “abruptly stopping after 4 or 5 verses”, during her visit to the city on Wednesday, according to a report.

Earlier on Wednesday, the West Bengal BJP unit slammed CM Mamata Banerjee for allegedly insulting the national anthem by singing the incomplete anthem. While singing the National Anthem during a press conference in Mumbai, Mamata Banerjee did not complete the anthem and sat down midway.

“Mamata Banerjee was sitting down at first then stood up and stopped singing halfway the national anthem of India. Today, as a Chief Minister, she has insulted the culture of Bengal, the national anthem and the country, and Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore!” tweeted the West Bengal BJP unit.

Minutes after this conference, several political leaders slammed Banerjee for this gesture.

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