PM’s address at inauguration of ‘Statue of Equality’ commemorating Bhakti Saint Sri Ramanujacharya in Hyderabad

Om Asamad Gurubhyo Namah!

Om Shrimati Ramanujay Namah!

Present with us in the program was the Governor of Telangana Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan ji, Pujya Sri Jeyar Swami ji, my colleague in the Union Cabinet, G. Krishna Reddy ji, Respected Mr. Dr. Rameshwar Rao ji, all the revered saints, ladies and gentlemen, who are full of Bhagavad glories,

Today is the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami, the holy festival of worshiping Goddess Saraswati. The statue of Shri Ramanujacharya ji, the special grace of Mother Sharda, is being installed on this occasion. I also wish you all a very Happy Basant Panchami. I pray to Maa Saraswati that the knowledge of Jagadguru Ramanujacharya ji should guide the world.


We have been told here – ‘Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti’! That is, the idol of our Guru is the center of our attention. Because, it is through the Guru that knowledge manifests itself to us. We are aware of that which is incomprehensible. This inspiration to reveal the unmanifest, this resolve to realize the subtle, has been the tradition of India. We have always shaped the values ​​and ideas that can guide humanity through the ages. Today once again, India is embodying the human energy and inspirations through this grand giant statue of Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya ji. This statue of Ramanujacharya ji is a symbol of his knowledge, detachment and ideals. I am sure, this statue will not only inspire the generations to come, but will also strengthen the ancient identity of India. I wish you all, all countrymen,


Right now I am coming after visiting 108 Divya Desam temples. The 108 Divya Desam temples that Alwar saints had visited by visiting all over India, I got the same good fortune today by the grace of Shri Ramanujacharya ji. The yagya which he started in the 11th century for the welfare of humanity, the same resolution is being repeated here for 12 days in various rituals. I have also got the privilege of participating in the completion of ‘Vishvak Sen Ishti Yagya’ today with the affection of Pujya Shri Jeyar Swamiji. I express my special gratitude to Jeer Swamiji for this. He has told me that ‘Vishvak Sen Ishti Yagya’ is the sacrifice of fulfillment of resolutions and goals. I dedicate the resolve of this yagya by bowing down to the fulfillment of the nectar of the nation’s resolves. I dedicate the fruits of this yagya for the fulfillment of the dreams of my 130 crore countrymen.


In most of the world’s civilizations, in most philosophies an idea has either been accepted or denied. But India is such a country, whose sages have seen the knowledge by raising the refutation-denial, acceptance-rejection above it. He rose above himself. Divinely saw that dispute. We also have Advaita here and there is also duality. And, incorporating these duality-advaita, the Vishisht-dvaita of Shri Ramanujacharya ji is also an inspiration for us. There is a different grandeur of Ramanujacharya’s knowledge. The ideas which seem to be contradictory from a simple point of view, Ramanujacharya ji puts them in a single thread with great ease. With his knowledge, with his interpretation, the common man is also connected. You see, on the one hand Ramanujacharya’s commentaries are the culmination of knowledge, and on the other hand he is also the father of the path of devotion. On the one hand, he is also a saint of the rich sanyasa tradition. And on the other hand, in the Gita Bhashya, the importance of action is also presented in a very good way. He himself has been dedicating his whole life to Karma. Ramanujacharya also composed Sanskrit texts, and gave equal importance to Tamil language in Bhaktimarga. Even today, in the temples of Ramanuja tradition, hardly any ritual is complete without the recitation of Thiruppavai.


In today’s world, when it comes to social reforms, progressivism, it is believed that reforms will take place away from the roots. But, when we see Ramanujacharya ji, we realize that there is no contradiction between progressiveness and antiquity. It is not necessary that one has to go far from his roots for improvement. Rather it is necessary that we connect with our real roots, get acquainted with our real power! A thousand years ago today, the pressure of stereotypes, the pressure of superstition, how much would have been beyond imagination! But Ramanujacharya ji introduced the society to the real idea of ​​India to improve the society. He embraced the Dalits and Backward, he gave special respect to those castes which had some other sentiments at that time. He built Narayan temple at Yadavgiri. In which the Dalits were given the right to worship. Ramanujacharya ji told that the religion says – “Na Jatih Karanam Loke Gunah Kalyan Hetavah” that means, welfare in the world is done not by caste, but by virtues. Ramanujacharya’s guru Shri Mahapurna had once performed the last rites of a friend of another caste. At that time Ramanujacharya had reminded people of Lord Shri Ram. He said that if Lord Rama can perform the last rites of Jatayu with his own hands, then how can religion be the basis of discriminatory thinking? This in itself is a great message. So how can religion be the basis of discriminatory thinking? This in itself is a great message. So how can religion be the basis of discriminatory thinking? This in itself is a great message.


It has been the specialty of our culture that, for improvement, people come from within our society. As seen from the ages, whenever some evil elements start spreading in the society, some great person is born from amongst us. And it is the experience of thousands of years that such reformers may or may not have got acceptance or not, challenges or not, may or may not have faced crises, may or may not have faced opposition, but that thought. In me, there was so much power in that element, his conviction was so strong that he used to use his power to fight against the evils of the society. But when the society is able to understand this, then whoever opposes it, it also gets its acceptance as fast. Respect and respect are given equally. This is proof that in favor of evils, in favor of evils, There is no social sanction in our society in general in favor of superstition. Those who fight evil, those who improve the society, only they get respect and respect here.

brothers Sisters,

You all are familiar with the various aspects of Ramanujacharya’s life. He also used the messages of spirituality to give the right direction to the society, and also of practical life! Those who were discriminated against in the name of caste, Ramanujacharya gave them the name Thirukulathar. That is, the one born in the family of Lakshmi ji, Shrikul, or divine person! While coming after taking bath, he used to come with his hand on the shoulder of his disciple ‘Dhanurdas’. By doing this Ramanujacharya used to indicate to eradicate the evil of untouchability. This was the reason that even the modern hero of equality like Babasaheb Ambedkar used to praise Ramanujacharya ji very much, and also used to tell the society that if you want to learn, then learn from the teachings of Ramanujacharya. And that is why, today Ramanujacharya Ji Vishal Murti is giving the message of equality in the form of Statue of Equality. With this message, today the country is ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’, and is laying the foundation for its new future with the mantra of ‘Sabka Prayas’. There should be development, everyone should be there, without discrimination. Social justice, everyone should get it, without discrimination. Those who were oppressed for centuries, they should become partners of development with full dignity, for this the changing India of today is making a united effort. Today, our Dalit-backward brothers and sisters are getting huge benefits from the schemes that the government is running. Whether it is to give pucca house or free Ujjwala connection, gas connection, whether it is free treatment facility up to Rs 5 lakh or free electricity connection, whether to open Jan Dhan bank accounts or to construct crores of toilets under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Yes, such schemes have benefited all, Dalit-backward, poor, exploited-deprived, without discrimination, have empowered everyone. Today’s changing India is making a united effort for that they become partners of development with full dignity. Today, our Dalit-backward brothers and sisters are getting huge benefits from the schemes that the government is running. Whether it is to give pucca house or free Ujjwala connection, gas connection, whether it is free treatment facility up to Rs 5 lakh or free electricity connection, whether to open Jan Dhan bank accounts or to construct crores of toilets under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Yes, such schemes have benefited all, Dalit-backward, poor, exploited-deprived, without discrimination, have empowered everyone. Today’s changing India is making a united effort for that they become partners of development with full dignity. Today, our Dalit-backward brothers and sisters are getting huge benefits from the schemes that the government is running. Whether it is to give pucca house or free Ujjwala connection, gas connection, whether it is free treatment facility up to Rs 5 lakh or free electricity connection, whether to open Jan Dhan bank accounts or to construct crores of toilets under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Yes, such schemes have benefited all, Dalit-backward, poor, exploited-deprived, without discrimination, have empowered everyone.


Ramanujacharya used to say – “Uyergalukkul bedam illai”. That is, all beings are equal. He did not stop talking about the unity of Brahman and Jiva, he himself lived this sutra of Vedanta. For him there was no distinction between himself and others. Even he was more concerned about the welfare of the living being than his own. When his master gave him the knowledge after many efforts, he asked to keep it a secret. Because, that gurumantra was the mantra of his welfare. He had done spiritual practice, had done penance, had dedicated his life and that’s why he got this Gurumantra. But Ramanujacharya’s thinking was different. Ramanujacharya ji said- Patishye ek avahan, helle guru paatakat. Sarve gachhantu bhavatam, please paramam padam. That is, it doesn’t matter even if I go to hell alone. But everyone else should be well. After this, he climbed to the top of the temple and recited the mantra to every male and female that his guru had given him for their welfare. Such an elixir of equality could have been extracted only by a great man like Ramanujacharya ji, who had seen the real philosophy of Ved Vedanta.


Ramanujacharya ji is also a shining inspiration for the unity and integrity of India. He was born in the South, but his influence is on the whole of India from South to North and East to West. Annamacharya ji has praised him in Telugu, Kanakadas ji has sung the glory of Ramanujacharya ji in Kannada language, if you go to Gujarat and Rajasthan, you can feel the fragrance of Ramanujacharya ji’s thoughts in the teachings of many saints there too. And, from Goswami Tulsidas ji to Kabirdas of the Ramanandiya tradition in the north, Ramanujacharya is the ultimate guru for every great saint. We can see this in the life of Ramanujacharya ji, how a saint unites the whole of India in the thread of unity with his spiritual energy. This spiritual consciousness kept the consciousness of India awake during the period of hundreds of years of slavery.


It is also a happy coincidence that this ceremony on Shri Ramanujacharya ji is happening at the same time when the country is celebrating 75 years of its independence. In the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, we are remembering the history of freedom struggle. Today the country is paying a grateful tribute to its freedom fighters. We are taking inspiration from our history, taking energy for our future. That is why, this event of Amrit Mahotsav, along with the freedom struggle, also covers the heritage of India of thousands of years. As we know, India’s freedom struggle was not just a fight for its power and its rights. In this fight there was a ‘colonial mindset’ on one side, and the idea of ​​’live and let live’ on the other. In this, on the one hand, it was a hysteria of racial superiority and materialism, on the other hand it was a belief in humanity and spirituality. And in this battle India emerged victorious, India’s tradition emerged victorious. Equality in India’s freedom struggle, 

Can we imagine our freedom struggle without Gandhiji? And can we imagine Gandhiji without ideals like non-violence and truth? Even today, as soon as Gandhiji’s name comes up, ‘Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye’, this tune starts playing in our heart. Its author Narsi Mehta ji was a great saint of the Bhakti tradition of Ramanujacharya ji. Therefore, the way our spiritual consciousness was giving energy to our freedom struggle, the same energy should be given to our nectar resolutions in 75 years of independence. And today when I am in Bhagyanagar, in Hyderabad, I will definitely make a special mention of Sardar Patel ji. By the way, Krishna Reddy ji asked about it in great detail in his statement. Who of Bhagyanagar will be so lucky? Who would be such a Hyderabadi who would have the divine vision of Sardar Patel? Do you not know the power of Sardar Patel and the diplomacy of Sardar Sahib for the glory of Hyderabad? Today, on the one hand, Sardar Sahib’s ‘Statue of Unity’ is reiterating the oath of unity in the country, while Ramanujacharya’s ‘Statue of Equality’ is giving the message of equality. This is the age-old feature of India as a nation. Our unity does not stand on the foundation of power or power, our unity, equality and respect is created from this thread.

and comrades,

Today when I am in Telangana, I will definitely mention how Telugu culture has empowered India’s diversity. The roots of Telugu culture are spread over centuries. Many great kings, queens, have been its flag bearers. Be it the Satavahanas, the Kakatiyas or the Vijayanagara Empire, all raised the flag of Telugu culture. Great poets have enriched Telugu culture. Last year itself, the 13th century Kakatiya Rudreshwar-Ramappa temple in Telangana has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The World Tourism Organization has also rated Pochampally as India’s best tourism village. The skill of the women of Pochampally is world famous in the form of Pochampally sarees. This is the culture which has always taught us to respect harmony, brotherhood and women power. 

Today the Telugu film industry is also carrying forward this glorious tradition of Telugu culture with full pride. The scope of Telugu cinema is not only where Telugu is spoken. Its expansion is all over the world. From silver screen to OTT platforms, this creativity is being discussed. There is a lot of appreciation outside India as well. This dedication of Telugu speaking people towards their art and their culture is an inspiration for all.


In the 75th year of independence, in this nectar period, this statue of Shri Ramanujacharya ji will inspire every countryman continuously. I am sure that in the nectar of independence, we will be able to completely eliminate those evils, to eliminate which Shri Ramanujacharya ji had awakened the society. In the same spirit, thanking Pujya Swamiji with respect, for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this holy occasion, I am very grateful to you! I extend my best wishes to everyone who is inspired by the thoughts of Lord Ramanujacharya ji spread all over the world! I stop my voice.

Thank you all so very much!

(Release ID: 1795838) 

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