PMK leader clarifies on alliance with AIADMK

PMK leader K Balu on Wednesday clarified that there was no rift between his party and the AIADMK and condemned former fisheries minister D Jayakumar for his comments on PMK founder S Ramadoss.

“In the party meeting held on Tuesday, a majority of the cadre wanted to contest in maximum seats in the upcoming civic polls and considering the mood of the party men it was decided to go it alone in civic polls. Soon after, various speculations started doing the rounds claiming there is a rift between the two parties which is not true. We are still in a good terms with the AIADMK,” said Balu addressing the reporters on Wednesday.

There were reports that Ramadoss was unhappy with the AIADMK and had criticised that the AIADMK leadership could not control its own party men. Reacting to the reports, Jayakumar said that the AIADMK has nothing to lose due to PMK’s exit and also criticised Ramadoss claiming that AIADMK knew, who influenced the decision. When comments of Jayakumar were referred to, Balu replied that in the meeting held on Tuesday no comments were passed about AIADMK or the previous state government. Jayakumar being a senior leader should not speak based on speculative reports, the PMK leader said.

He also said that the decision to contest alone was taken based on time factor as there was no sufficient time to hold alliance talks and also added that the PMK continued to be in the NDA.

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