Over 28 lakh get Covid jabs in TN in 1 day

With a total of 28,91,021 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Tamil Nadu through a mega drive on Sunday, the State exceeded the target of 20 lakh doses it had set for the campaign.

The state capital Chennai led the tally with 1,85,370 vaccine inoculation followed by Coimbatore (1,51,685) and Tiruppur (1,21,634).

The single vaccine coverage is an achievement for Tamil Nadu as the state had earlier recorded the lowest percentage of people above 60 years of age who had been vaccinated.

Health Secretary Dr J Radhakrishnan thanked the people for turning out in large numbers in vaccination centres and help the government surpass the target.

Radhakrishnan said another special mega camp would be held to enable those who got the first dose of today to get their second dose.

Following the Intensive Pulse Polio Immunisation (IPPI) model, the vaccination was administered in over 40,000 booths established in in primary health centres, government run hospitals, noon meal centres, schools, bus stands, railway stations and other locations were people would congregate in the state.

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