Modi speaks with Putin, calls for ‘immediate cessation of violence’ in Ukraine

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Russia attacked Ukraine, and called for the “immediate cessation of violence”.

In the phone conversation, PM Modi also stressed that India attaches the “highest priority” to the safe exit and return of its citizens from Ukraine.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office, PM Modi called for concerted efforts from all sides to return to the path of diplomatic negotiations and asserted that differences between Russia and NATO can only be resolved through “honest and sincere” dialogue.

The leaders agreed that their officials and diplomatic teams would continue to maintain regular contacts on issues of topical interest, the PM’s Office said.

President Putin also briefed Prime Minister Modi about Ukraine, a Russian readout of the conversation said.

Putin outlined the fundamental assessments of “Kiev’s aggressive actions” against the civilian population of Donbass, as well as the many years of “destructive policy” aimed at breaking the Minsk agreements.

“In these circumstances, and also in connection with the unacceptable for Russia military development of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine, it was decided to launch a special military operation,” the Russian statement said on the conversation.

PM Modi “thanked President Putin for the clarification and asked for assistance in ensuring the security of Indian citizens currently in Ukraine”, said the Russian statement.

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