Modi appealed States to use lockdown as last resort

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the second wave of the coronavirus had hit India like a storm but appealed to states to use lockdowns only as the last resort.

He also stressed on self-discipline to fight the infection, urging people to step out only if necessary.

“In a situation like today, we have to save the country from a lockdown. If you all work together, create awareness then there is no need for containment, never mind a lockdown. I appeal to states that they should use the lockdown as the last resort – our focus should be micro-containment zones. We will take care of economic health as well as the health of countrymen,” PM Modi said in his address to the nation, making it clear that a nationwide lockdown was off the table for now.

“Our effort is to save lives. But the impact on economic activities and livelihoods should also be as less as possible. You must step out only if necessary. I assure you, the nation won’t spare any effort to resolve today’s crisis.”

He likened the second, more deadly wave of the pandemic in India with a storm.

“We were just recovering from the first wave. But then the second wave came at us like a toofan,” said the PM.

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