MGM Healthcare collaborates with internationally renowned transplant surgeon Dr. Anil Vaidya to develop a multi-visceral transplant programme

MGM Healthcare, a multi-specialty quaternary care hospital in the heart of Chennai, proudly announces its association with Dr. Anil Vaidya, a renowned multi-visceral transplant surgeon from USA, to create a comprehensive pancreatic, intestinal, and multi-visceral transplant programme.

MGM Healthcare is a frontrunner in programmes for heart, lung, kidney, and liver transplants that are on par with international healthcare institutions. MGM Healthcare creates yet another robust clinical programme for pancreatic, intestinal, and multi-visceral transplant in association with Dr. Anil Vaidya, who is a world authority in all facets of pancreatic, intestinal, and multi-visceral transplant.

Patients with severe gastrointestinal conditions, including short bowel syndrome, obstructed intestines, stomach, pancreas, liver, intestinal, and/or kidney failure, can benefit from this comprehensive program. Multi-visceral transplantation brings great opportunities in the treatment of organ failure, offering good outcomes and a better quality of life to patients.

Dr. Anil Vaidya, DNB, M.D., is a multi-organ transplant surgeon with a richly diverse clinical, translational, and academic portfolio. After completion of his surgical/urological residency he went on to do an American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) accredited fellowship in multi-organ transplantation at the University of Miami. He was a consultant transplant surgeon at the Oxford University Hospitals for 12 years, wherehis main focus was on developing a robust pancreatic, intestinal, and multi-visceral transplant program. He was responsible for restarting the intestinal transplant programme in the UK and bringing it onto the map in the intestinal transplant community by organising the International Conference for Intestinal Transplant, a biennial meeting at Oxford in 2013.

MGM Healthcare is extremely proud to partner with Dr. Anil Vaidya; this partnership will place the institution on the transplant radar in Southeast Asia. 

Aarthi Rajendran

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