Karumegangal Kalaigindrana movie review


Bharathirajaa is an upright retired judge has a complex family dynamics which includes his son Gautham Menon, a criminal lawyer.

As the story progresses Bahrathiraaja finds an old letter and starts on a journey to find his lost love.

During this journey, he meets Yogi Babu, a parotta master, who is searching for his adopted daughter.

The duo continue their journey together to find what they have lost and to mend broken relationships.

Were they successful in their mission, what happens next forms the rest of the story.


Following Thangar Bachan’s style, the movie as usual tries to capture the human emotions and the relationships.

The plot is quite impressive with men of two different age groups and distinct backgrounds coming together to find something that they have lost.

Thangar Bachan’s execution and the screenplay are all made in an organic manner making it an impressive watch.

Casting of Bharathirajaa in the role is a master stroke. His body language and age related factors are more than enough to make the character easily relatable.

This is one of his best performances, and the way he has carried the emotions are remarkable.

Yogi Babu’s character is etched in an effective and emotional manner. He has got into the skin of his role and his delivered a memorable performance.

Aditi Balan, Gautham Menon, Mohana Sanjeevi and Saral have performed what was expected from their respective roles.

Music by G V Prakash helps in elevation of certain sequences. Rest of the technical aspects are good.

Rating: 3.4/5

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