Kanni Movie Review

In the heartwarming film “Kanni,” Senga, an elderly woman, uses a divine thatched box and medicinal herbs to cure diseases once thought incurable, following the time-honored methods of her ancestors from the hills. When a wealthy man visiting the mountain village suddenly collapses, his companions bring him to Senga. With her herbal treatments, he recovers fully within days and returns home joyful and healthy.

This miraculous healing catches the attention of doctors worldwide, who are fascinated by Senga’s methods. The story unfolds as they attempt to acquire the mystical thatched box, showcasing the clash between traditional wisdom and modern science.

Director Mayon Siva Thorapadi deserves applause for highlighting the potency of traditional herbal medicine. His dedication to this theme is evident and commendable.

The film boasts a stellar cast, with Mathamma Velmurugan delivering a remarkable performance as Senga. Manimaran Ramasamy plays her son Vedan, Ashwini Chandrasekhar shines as her daughter Sembi, Tharra Krish is convincing as daughter-in-law Neelima, Ram Bharathan portrays Machachhagan, and Sarika Selvaraj excels as Mayamma. Each actor brings depth and authenticity to their roles.

Ashwini Chandrasekhar, in particular, stands out. As Sembi, she is central to the narrative and excels in both her dramatic and action sequences, demonstrating impressive dedication to her role. Mathamma Velmurugan’s portrayal of Senga is equally compelling, contributing to the film’s emotional and narrative strength.

Rajkumar Periasamy’s cinematography captures the essence of the story beautifully, and Sebastian Sathish’s music complements the film’s theme perfectly. While the screenplay and narration could have been more engaging, “Kanni” remains a moving tribute to the enduring power of traditional remedies and the wisdom of our ancestors.

Cast:-Ashwini Chandrashekar Manimaran TharraKrish RamBharathan

Director:-Mayon Siva Thorapadi


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