IndiGo is the leader in COVID vaccine distribution in the country over the last three months

Continuing with its mission to work together and support the nation in the current situation, India’s largest airline, IndiGo transported a total 81,437kg of COVID vaccine shipment from January 12 to April 12, 2021, securing a leading market share of 36.56% in COVID vaccine transportation. IndiGo operated these flights by adhering to all the requisite precautionary measures.

Mr. Ronojoy Dutta, Chief Executive Officer, IndiGo said, “We are pleased to be the leader in COVID vaccine transportation in the country by moving the highest share of these vaccines, at 36.5% in the last three months, from key COVID vaccine manufacturing points- Pune, Hyderabad & Mumbai. We are truly honoured to have been able to contribute to the national vaccination programme. It is our unflinching commitment to continue to transport the vaccines from one part of the country to another, as and when the need arises.  We are always geared up to support the nation in its hour of need with our lean clean flying machines.”

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