India’s corona count continues to increase

India logged in a record 2,17,353 daily coronavirus cases as many states grappled with shortages of hospital beds, oxygen, medicines and vaccine doses. The fresh cases in the deadly second wave took the total caseload to over 1.4 crore.

1,185 people dying of Covid in the last 24 hours pushed the country’s death count to 1,74,308. This is the second straight that that the country is reporting over two lakh cases and the sixth straight day of over 1.5 lakh daily cases.

Maharashtra, the country’s worst-hit state, reported 61,695 fresh coronavirus cases, taking the tally to 36,39,855, while 349 new fatalities pushed the death count to 59,153. The state is under a strict curfew till the end of April. In terms of the total caseload, Maharashtra is followed by the southern states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh.

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