HKTB Chairman Welcomes the Resumption of Hong Kong High Sea Cruises

Dr YK Pang, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), welcomes the safe and orderly resumption of Hong Kong’s high sea cruises. Dr Pang said, “Cruise tourism is an integral part of Hong Kong’s tourism and the resumption of high sea cruises is the first step to the recovery of the cruise sector. Therefore, the HKTB will first promote the experience of ‘Staycation at Sea’ in Hong Kong under the ‘Holiday at Home’ platform. At the same time, we will also communicate to consumers the newly established safety and hygiene protocol as well as the anti-epidemic measures adopted by cruise lines to rebuild visitors’ confidence in travelling on cruises. When cross-border travel resumes, The HKTB will then gradually market our cruise experience to Mainland and international visitor sources.”

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