Heavy rains likely in Tamil Nadu as low pressure area forms over Bay of Bengal

A low-pressure area has developed over the southwest and adjoining west-central Bay of Bengal, promising intense rainfall for the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu in the coming days.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a bulletin on Wednesday morning, highlighting the potential for this weather system to intensify into a deep depression and subsequently a cyclonic storm.
“Under the influence of the cyclonic circulation over the Southwest Bay of Bengal, a low-pressure area has formed over the southwest and adjoining west-central Bay of Bengal off the north Tamil Nadu-South Andhra Pradesh coasts. This system’s associated cyclonic circulation extends up to 5.8 km above mean sea level,” stated the IMD.
As a result of this development, heavy rains are expected to lash various parts of coastal Tamil Nadu. Meteorologists are closely monitoring the situation, and further updates will be provided as the system evolves.
According to weather officials, the low-pressure area is anticipated to move northeastwards, concentrating into a depression over the central parts of the Bay of Bengal by Friday morning. Following this, it is expected to continue its northeastward movement, intensifying further into a cyclonic storm.
The coastal districts of Tamil Nadu are on high alert as the region prepares for potential impacts, including strong winds and heavy rainfall. Authorities are advising residents in affected areas to stay informed and take necessary precautions as the weather system develops.
The IMD’s warning underscores the importance of preparedness in the face of such natural events, which can bring significant disruption and risk to life and property. Coastal communities are urged to remain vigilant and follow any guidance or evacuation orders issued by local authorities.

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