Heavy rainfall alert issued for North Tamilnadu

The Regional Meteorological Centre announced cyclone alert for North Tamil Nadu on Thursday. The deep depression over South-west and adjoining South-east Bay of Bengal intensified into a cyclonic storm “Mandous”.

The deep depression moved nearly west-northwestwards with a speed of 10 kmph during the late hours of Wednesday over Southwest Bay of Bengal. The depression lies 640 km southeast of Chennai.

The centre stated that it is very likely to move west-northwestwards and cross north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and adjoining south Andhra Pradesh coast between Puducherry and Sriharikota with a maximum sustained wind speed of 65-75 kmph gusting to 85 kmph around mid night of Friday.

The regional meteorological centre (RMC) forecast light to moderate rainfall at most places over coastal Tamil Nadu, with heavy to very heavy falls at isolated places on Thursday. The rainfall will intensify to heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with extremely heavy falls at isolated places over north coastal Tamil Nadu on Friday and Saturday.

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