Health Secretary says no plan to reimpose complete lockdown

The State Health Department would initiate door-to-door COVID-19 screening and testing from 7  April for better surveillance, said Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan.

However, he denied the rumours that a complete lockdown would be imposed after polling for the State Assembly election is over on Tuesday.

“After polling, there will be restrictions on non-essential services after discussion with Chief Secretary and other officials. However, though there will be restrictions, it will be ensured that economic activities are not affected,” Radhakrishnan told the media on Monday.
According to him, COVID Care Centres have been opened at all districts to accommodate the rising cases. Those with mild and asymptomatic symptoms would be sent to COVID Care Centres or government facilities, he said.
After inspecting the State Vaccine Store on Monday, Radhakrishnan pointed out that more than 32 lakh people have so far been administered the vaccines without any major complications, and urged the public to come forward for vaccination.