Gulu Gulu movie review


Athulya Chandra comes all the way from France to Chennai to see her dead father one last time before the burial. However, her stepbrothers do not like her coming into their lives.

The stepbrothers decide to kidnap her and the task is assigned to a gang of middle-aged kidnappers headed by George Maryan.

They end up abducting the wrong person and things go awry thereafter. Santhanam is a travel junkie, who speaks 13 languages and is constantly on the move.

His biggest weakness is that he can never say no when someone asks him for help. How does Santhanam end up with the kidnappers, what happens next forms the rest of the story.


Director Rathna Kumar has made the movie with many layers and has tried to convey quite a few messages. This is the movie’s strength as well as its weakness.

There are too many characters which at times make it difficult to keep track of. Santhanam’s character is different from his previous works, even with minimal dialogues he manages to strike a chord with the audience. He is silent and serious for most parts of the movie.

Though the performances of the actors in these characters are good, it becomes too clustered after a point.

Santhosh Narayanan’s music is one of the biggest strengths of the movie. The music conveys the mixed feelings that is seen throughout the movie.

Rest of the technical aspects are appreciable as well.

Rating: 3.3/5

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