Four cases of BF.7 sub-variant of Omicron detected in India

Four cases of BF.7 sub-variant of Omicron, which is driving the huge Covid surge in China, has been detected in India. The cases have been detected in Gujarat and Odisha. There is no mandatory Covid protocol in the country as of now.

The Health Department of Gujarat — where two cases were reported — confirmed to NDTV that the patients infected with BF.7 and BF.12 form of Omicron were reported in October-November. They were treated in home isolation and have fully recovered now. The first case had surfaced in July, sources said.

The Centre has asked states to send samples of all Covid positive cases to INSACOG genome sequencing labs. INSACOG is a forum under the Health Ministry to study and monitor various strains of Covid in India, which is mapped with all states and Union Territories.

Random sampling of international passengers for Covid 19 started at airports in the country from today. The Centre has said while there is no cause for panic, it has advised people to mask up in crowded areas and said it will monitor the situation every week.

There is no Covid-19 protocol operating for public gatherings or tourist destinations at the moment. Masks are not mandatory in any state after the Centre’s advisory in June. The Centre’s advisory had asked that Covid-appropriate behaviour be followed, but states were asked to take a call on mask usage.

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