Eppodhum Raja movie review


Win Star Vijay has played dual roles in the movie. The elder brother is a honest police inspector and the younger brother is a volleyball player.

The elder brother earns the wrath of many people due to his honesty. Similarly, the younger brother too has too many enemies in the sports.

How these two overcome their enemies and succeed in their forms the core plot of the movie.


Directed by Win Star Vijay has tried his level best to make a good movie. However, he could have concentrated more on the story and screenplay.

Win Star Vijay get to play dual roles in his first movie itself. He has done a decent job in both the roles by showing variations in emotions.

He has succeeded as an entertainer in both the roles. The female lead Deplina has done her part well.

Rest of the cast including Kumthash, Joe Malluri, P.Soma Sundaram and Lion Kumar have all done their part well.

Music by Ramji is average, Rest of the technical aspects are passable.

Rating: 3.3/5


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