ENT surgeons at MGM Healthcare successfully perform complex airway surgery to help Odisha child breathe normally after 7 years

After robust planning, staged surgeries were performed to cure the scarred airway.

MGM Healthcare, a multi-speciality quaternary care hospital in the heart of Chennai, today announced the  successful outcome of a complex airway surgery performed on a child by the team headed by Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, Senior Consultant & Head, Institute of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, MGM  Healthcare.

The 10-year-old boy, Tarun (name changed) from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, was suffering for the past 7 years  following an accidental ingestion of acid as a toddler, leading to severe aero digestive injury and scarring.  He was on assisted breathing through the tracheostomy tube all these years. The supportive family  members explored all possibilities to cure the child, but with no results. The entire upper airway was  scarred and stenosed above and below the vocal cords in the laryngeal airway tract. The only method of  breathing possible was through the tracheostomy tube,which needed to be changed very frequently.

The child has been hospitalised 55 times over the past 7 years in various premier institutes of repute  across the length and breadth of the country. All methods of surgical treatment under general anaesthesia  proved futile, and the resultant sequelae proved even more catastrophic, leading to more fibrosis of the  airway. The family had lost hope and, in despair, came to MGM Healthcare Chennai. After being appraised  about the prevailing work culture of the skilled clinicians and their proven credentials along with good  patient outcomes, the family hoped for a positive result.

After a purposeful radiological and endoscopic assessment, a confirmed diagnosis of pharyngeal stenosis  along with supraglottic, subglottic, and upper tracheal stenosis was arrived at. Robust planning and staged  surgeries were required to address the complicated, scarred airway judiciously. A proper family  counselling was offered in view of the risks involved in the supra major surgical treatment strategies. A  staged surgical effort over four weeks of in-patient hospitalisation resulted in enviable outcomes for the  child, who is breathing freely through the nose now like any other human being.

Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Mohanty, Senior Consultant and Head, Institute of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery,  MGM Healthcare, explaining the entire procedure, said, “This complex surgery needed a lot of innovation  intra-operatively. The child underwent endoscopic assisted PCTR (partial cricotracheal resection) with  anastomosis using autograft rib cartilage to reconstruct the defective airway. This was only possible  after  releasing the upper airway stenosis using a harmonic scalpel. The repeated use of laser and other energy  devices in the same area earlier, during previous hospitalisations, had made the tissues completely  dysfunctional. Hence, there was a need for out-of-the-box thinking, in dealing with the delicate airway. The  rib harvested integrated well with the tissues, and after a period of monitored observation, he was  finally discharged from the hospital with smiling faces all around. This would not have been possible  without the constant cooperation of the team of anaesthesiologists, led by Dr. Kishore.”

The staff and management of MGM Healthcare are elated to have helped a boy come out of the trauma of  breathing through a tube. Many such patients are still breathing through the tracheostomy tube due to a  lack of proper medical attention and surgical expertise for such complex clinical scenarios. Such patients  can reach- out to the experts at MGM Healthcare to overcome their illness and lead a normal,happy life.

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