DMK MP’s statement on Hindi heartland states triggers furore

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) parliamentarian DNV Senthil Kumar’s controversial reference to Hindi heartland states on Tuesday evoked a sharp response from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which accused the regional party of “playing with the sentiments of the country”, even as the lawmaker later apologised and withdrew his remark.

Senthil Kumar’s statement also drew a pointed rebuke from Tamil Nadu chief minister and DMK chief MK Stalin. The Congress, which is an ally of the DMK in Tamil Nadu, also criticised the “unfortunate choice of words”.

In the Lower House, Kumar made the comment while speaking on the BJP’s victories in three out of five states – mainly the three Hindi heartland states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan – which went to the polls recently.

Kumar said the BJP can win elections only there and not in south India, and passed the controversial remark on the Hindi heartland states.

“The power of BJP in winning elections mainly lies in the Hindi heartland states. You cannot come to South India! You can see what happened in the election results in all the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka,” he said.

While the contentious comment on the Hindi heartland states was later expunged by the House, it triggered a row across party lines.

“I think that is a disrespect of the ‘Sanatani’ tradition. The DMK will soon get to know the benefits of ‘gaumutra’. They are very well aware that this will not be tolerated by the people of the country. Anyone who tries to play with the sentiments of the country will get a befitting reply from the public,” Union minister Meenakshi Lekhi said.

Congress Lok Sabha MP Karti Chidambaram also condemned the “very unfortunate choice of words”. Unparliamentary. Senthil Kumar must forthwith apologize and withdraw his comments,” he wrote on X.

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