Creativegarh launches Creative Retreats to revive creative passion amongst seekers

Creativegarh, the most vibrant and engaging community for people relentlessly discovering and pursuing their creative passions, today launched Creativity Retreats to extend creative transformation opportunities to those seeking. The 5-day creative retreats are curated to help people discover their creative selves and help them build a toolkit to embark/pursue their passion and the road to rediscovering the genuine joy of life.

The last 18 months have been quite disorienting for most people across the globe. Besides a proactive focus on physical and mental well-being, the other learning from the pandemic is the significance of continuously reinventing ourselves. Careers can be protected and grown with continuous intervention and developing skill sets relevant to the new normal. However, a career that is influenced merely by earning a living may not be enough if we fail to discover and pursue our creative selves. Our creative passions emanating from our purpose have the potential of delivering true joy and happiness in life, and yet very few take the road less travelled.

Creativegarh is launching these Creativity Retreats to bring alive the dormant passions of people. The first Creativegarh Retreat is coming up in Kasauli from the 25th to the 31st of October 2021. A 5-day residential retreat, priced at INR 59,000, will be limited to a small group of 14 creators, founders, professionals, hobbyists, mavericks and seekers to help reignite their creative spirit, to create fearlessly and live a fulfilling and inspiring life. It does not intend to teach creativity but inspires people to allow themselves to be creative.

These retreats will be a deep and immersive creative transformation journey. Each retreat aims to create a safe space for non-judgemental and protective nurturing of one’s creativity and is customised to specific needs, professions, experiences, passion projects and creative purposes. They start with a guided exploration into a life full of creativity, including reflective, detective and creative exercises, experience sharing and storytelling, idea generation and idea swapping through meditations and visualisations, ideation through play-journaling, creator dates, cookouts, games, music, treks, nature listening, or just being, late-night fireside conversations, walks and ideas.

On the launch Arun Verma, curator and co-founder Creativegarh Retreats, siad “Creativegarh Retreats is not just a creative recovery and transformation program but a manifestation of my own life purpose of bringing joy and abundance to the world through transformation and creativity. It’s a mission to make creative living full of purpose. Creativegarh Retreats is not a training program. It does not teach creativity. But it inspires people to allow themselves to be creative.”

Creativegarh Retreats has been created and curated by Arun Verma, a serial creative for close to three decades and has been through an intense creative journey, having seen the lows, the highs, the joys, the despairs and everything that comes with living a creative life. He identifies with being a copywriter, a sculptor, an adman, a communication specialist, a creative director, an artist, a design entrepreneur, a SaaS tech entrepreneur, a lighting- accessories-furniture-interior designer, a creativity coach and now also a knitter.

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