Chennai police to conduct checks at 200 startegic locations
The city police will conduct checks at 200 strategic locations to ensure the lockdown measures are followed properly, said commissioner Mahesh Kumar Aggarwal on Monday.
He was speaking at a coronavirus vaccination campaign that he inaugurated for police personnel at the Sembium police quarters.
Aggarwal said police personnel out on roads should ensure public adher to the lockdown norms.
“Senior officers have advised junior officers to conduct checks during the late-night hours and also on Sundays during the full lockdown,” he said.
Meanwhile, Tamilnadu reported 10,941 new covid cases. This has pushed the total active cases in the state to 75,116 on Monday, when the state recorded 44 deaths and 6,172 discharges. The case tally touched 10.02 lakh (10,02,392) while the cumulative toll touched 13,157.
It may be noted that the night curfew imposed by the Tamilnadu government comes into effect from today.