Celebrities and influencers must use ‘paid promotion’, ‘ad’ in endorsements: Centre

Celebrities and influencers, who are endorsing products and services on social media platform, should disclose their material interest by using words like advertisement, sponsored, collaboration or paid promotion.

In January, the government made it mandatory for social media influencers to disclose their “material” interest in endorsing products and services and violations can attract strict legal action, including ban on endorsements.

In an official statement, the department of consumer affairs said it has observed that there is confusion regarding which disclosure word to use for what kind of partnership.

For paid or barter brand endorsement, any of the following disclosures can be used: “advertisement”, “ad,” “sponsored”, “collaboration”, or “partnership”.

However, the term must be indicated as hashtag or headline text.

The department has already released a set of guidelines called “Endorsements Know-hows!” for celebrities, influencers, and virtual influencers on social media platforms.

The guidelines aim to ensure that individuals do not mislead their audiences when endorsing products or services and that they are in compliance with the Consumer Protection Act and any associated rules or guidelines.

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