‘Cancellation of UG, PG arrear exam unacceptable’

Describing the cancellation of arrear exams for UG and PG students as a “uniformed political decision resulting in chaos”, the Madras High Court, on making it clear that allowing students to pass without proper assessment is unacceptable, directed the State to consult the University Grants Commission (UGC) on measures that can be taken to correct the decision.

Expressing strong resentment over the State’s decision to cancel the arear exams, the first bench comprising Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy, said: “It sends a completely wrong signal. The signal appears to be that as long as they have paid the fee and we earned the revenue, they are allowed to pass. This will not do. You (State) have acted above the UGC to do something you could not have done.”

“It is inconceivable that a whole masse of students will be certified to have qualified in a system without having basic knowledge in respect of key aspects thereof. What appears to have been done by the State may be to treat all those who wanted to rewrite their exams as deemed to have passed without conducting any form of test or evaluation. The UGC guidelines did not provide for such a scenario nor is it acceptable to the court,” the Chief Justice said.

Posting the case for further hearing to April 15, Chief Justice Banerjee directed the State to consult the UGC by then and come out with an evaluation process that does not compromise with the sanctity of the system, so that the future of these students does not get adversely affected.

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