Bharathidasan Colony
New Fiction show Mon – Fri 6.30 PM
STAR VIJAY’snew fiction showBHARATHIDASAN COLONY will be launched on 20 June 2022. Star Vijay has always been pioneered in introducing new shows in fiction and non-fiction formats. ‘Bharathidasan Colony’ is one of those categories in the fiction format which has a unique storyline.
Bharathidasan Colony story revolve around different families live in a gated community. Families and individuals who are diverse in their lifestyle and culture live in the colony. The story also reflects how their existing differences influence and inspire each other’s as family and as an individual. Nevertheless, their conflicts and difference of opinions make a big impact over their lives which turns out to be more critical and interesting as well in the due course. There are numerous families in the colony who predominantly reflect our society and people whom we meet in our day-to-day life. A working couple with two little kids, a retired husband and wife who live with their daughter, a ‘single mother’ who brings up her daughter with much boldness, a young guy who is living in the colony with wife and two children and work there as a colony ‘security’ bring in much impact to the story. Also, there’s bachelor who lives there andhelps everyone who are in need. These fascinating characters are played by popular stars of Vijay TV ‘faces.
The artiste names and character names are as follows:
Anushree – Vimala Vasanth – Sudhakar Abinav – Anand Aparna – Kaviya Tamilselvi – Radha Prabhakaran – Kumaraguru Sanuja – Suchithra Rithwa – Pavithra Aiswarya – Sudar Mohanvaidhya – Krishna Sheela – Shenbagam Revathy – Susen Akil – Naveen Kalyani – Aira Visalini – Chithra Gemini mani – Murugan Pavan kalyan – Santhosh Saya – Keerthi Subhulakshmi – Valli Vasanth – Sreethar
‘Bharathidasan Colony’ story is comedy cum sentiment guaranteed mega-serial which is sure to attract all age groups of Tamil audience. The serial will be launched on 20 June 2022 airing Monday to Friday 6.30 pm on STAR VIJAY. Stay tuned!