“Alangu” Movie Review

Alangu, S.P. Sakthivel’s latest cinematic venture, is a deeply moving exploration of the bond between humans and animals, set against the lush and vibrant Tamil Nadu-Kerala border. The story revolves around Dharman, a struggling student portrayed by the talented Gunanidhi, and his inseparable companion, a loyal dog named Kali. Their bond forms the heart of the narrative, but it is tested when Dharman relocates to Kerala for work, only to confront a devastating dog extermination order that endangers Kali’s life.

The film artfully weaves elements of social drama with gripping action, creating a narrative that resonates with audiences on multiple levels. While the initial half unfolds at a measured pace, laying the groundwork for the characters and their relationships, the second half shifts gears, delivering intense and thrilling moments that keep viewers thoroughly engaged.

Gunanidhi’s portrayal of Dharman is heartfelt and compelling, anchoring the emotional weight of the story. The supporting cast, including Sri Rekha and Chemban Vinod, bring depth and authenticity to their roles, enriching the overall narrative.

Visually, Alangu is a feast for the senses. Pandikumar’s cinematography beautifully captures the serene landscapes of the region, contrasting them with the tension and drama that unfolds. Ajeesh’s music score enhances the emotional resonance, with haunting melodies that linger long after the film ends.

While some scenes depicting violence may feel intense, they serve to underscore the stakes and the themes of resilience and loyalty central to the story. At its core, Alangu delivers a powerful and universal message about the unyielding connection between humans and their animal companions.

For those who cherish stories that celebrate raw emotion and the triumph of love and loyalty over adversity, Alangu is a must-watch. It’s a cinematic experience that lingers in your heart and mind, reminding us of the profound bonds that transcend species.

Cast: Gunanidhi, Chemban Vinod, Kaali Venkat, Sarath Appani, Soundarrajan, Kotravai, Sree Rekha , Ajay, Idhayakumar, Shanmuga Muthusamy and Others.

Director: SP Shakthivel


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